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2024-10-18 13:19:59 +08:00
// Copyright 2015-2017 Peter Dimov.
// Copyright 2018-2022 Emil Dotchevski and Reverge Studios, Inc.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <type_traits>
#include <cstddef>
namespace boost { namespace leaf { namespace leaf_detail_mp11 {
// mp_list<T...>
template<class... T> struct mp_list
// mp_identity
template<class T> struct mp_identity
using type = T;
// mp_inherit
template<class... T> struct mp_inherit: T... {};
// mp_if, mp_if_c
namespace detail
template<bool C, class T, class... E> struct mp_if_c_impl
template<class T, class... E> struct mp_if_c_impl<true, T, E...>
using type = T;
template<class T, class E> struct mp_if_c_impl<false, T, E>
using type = E;
} // namespace detail
template<bool C, class T, class... E> using mp_if_c = typename detail::mp_if_c_impl<C, T, E...>::type;
template<class C, class T, class... E> using mp_if = typename detail::mp_if_c_impl<static_cast<bool>(C::value), T, E...>::type;
// mp_bool
template<bool B> using mp_bool = std::integral_constant<bool, B>;
using mp_true = mp_bool<true>;
using mp_false = mp_bool<false>;
// mp_to_bool
template<class T> using mp_to_bool = mp_bool<static_cast<bool>( T::value )>;
// mp_not<T>
template<class T> using mp_not = mp_bool< !T::value >;
// mp_int
template<int I> using mp_int = std::integral_constant<int, I>;
// mp_size_t
template<std::size_t N> using mp_size_t = std::integral_constant<std::size_t, N>;
// mp_set_contains<S, V>
namespace detail
template<class S, class V> struct mp_set_contains_impl;
template<template<class...> class L, class... T, class V> struct mp_set_contains_impl<L<T...>, V>
using type = mp_to_bool<std::is_base_of<mp_identity<V>, mp_inherit<mp_identity<T>...> > >;
} // namespace detail
template<class S, class V> using mp_set_contains = typename detail::mp_set_contains_impl<S, V>::type;
// mp_set_push_back<S, T...>
namespace detail
template<class S, class... T> struct mp_set_push_back_impl;
template<template<class...> class L, class... U> struct mp_set_push_back_impl<L<U...>>
using type = L<U...>;
template<template<class...> class L, class... U, class T1, class... T> struct mp_set_push_back_impl<L<U...>, T1, T...>
using S = mp_if<mp_set_contains<L<U...>, T1>, L<U...>, L<U..., T1>>;
using type = typename mp_set_push_back_impl<S, T...>::type;
} // namespace detail
template<class S, class... T> using mp_set_push_back = typename detail::mp_set_push_back_impl<S, T...>::type;
// mp_unique<L>
namespace detail
template<class L> struct mp_unique_impl;
template<template<class...> class L, class... T> struct mp_unique_impl<L<T...>>
using type = mp_set_push_back<L<>, T...>;
} // namespace detail
template<class L> using mp_unique = typename detail::mp_unique_impl<L>::type;
// mp_append<L...>
namespace detail
template<class... L> struct mp_append_impl;
template<> struct mp_append_impl<>
using type = mp_list<>;
template<template<class...> class L, class... T> struct mp_append_impl<L<T...>>
using type = L<T...>;
template<template<class...> class L1, class... T1, template<class...> class L2, class... T2, class... Lr> struct mp_append_impl<L1<T1...>, L2<T2...>, Lr...>
using type = typename mp_append_impl<L1<T1..., T2...>, Lr...>::type;
template<class... L> using mp_append = typename detail::mp_append_impl<L...>::type;
// mp_front<L>
namespace detail
template<class L> struct mp_front_impl
// An error "no type named 'type'" here means that the argument to mp_front
// is either not a list, or is an empty list
template<template<class...> class L, class T1, class... T> struct mp_front_impl<L<T1, T...>>
using type = T1;
} // namespace detail
template<class L> using mp_front = typename detail::mp_front_impl<L>::type;
// mp_pop_front<L>
namespace detail
template<class L> struct mp_pop_front_impl
// An error "no type named 'type'" here means that the argument to mp_pop_front
// is either not a list, or is an empty list
template<template<class...> class L, class T1, class... T> struct mp_pop_front_impl<L<T1, T...>>
using type = L<T...>;
} // namespace detail
template<class L> using mp_pop_front = typename detail::mp_pop_front_impl<L>::type;
// mp_first<L>
template<class L> using mp_first = mp_front<L>;
// mp_rest<L>
template<class L> using mp_rest = mp_pop_front<L>;
// mp_remove_if<L, P>
namespace detail
template<class L, template<class...> class P> struct mp_remove_if_impl;
template<template<class...> class L, class... T, template<class...> class P> struct mp_remove_if_impl<L<T...>, P>
template<class U> using _f = mp_if<P<U>, mp_list<>, mp_list<U>>;
using type = mp_append<L<>, _f<T>...>;
} // namespace detail
template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_remove_if = typename detail::mp_remove_if_impl<L, P>::type;
// integer_sequence
template<class T, T... I> struct integer_sequence
// detail::make_integer_sequence_impl
namespace detail
// iseq_if_c
template<bool C, class T, class E> struct iseq_if_c_impl;
template<class T, class E> struct iseq_if_c_impl<true, T, E>
using type = T;
template<class T, class E> struct iseq_if_c_impl<false, T, E>
using type = E;
template<bool C, class T, class E> using iseq_if_c = typename iseq_if_c_impl<C, T, E>::type;
// iseq_identity
template<class T> struct iseq_identity
using type = T;
template<class S1, class S2> struct append_integer_sequence;
template<class T, T... I, T... J> struct append_integer_sequence<integer_sequence<T, I...>, integer_sequence<T, J...>>
using type = integer_sequence< T, I..., ( J + sizeof...(I) )... >;
template<class T, T N> struct make_integer_sequence_impl;
template<class T, T N> struct make_integer_sequence_impl_
static_assert( N >= 0, "make_integer_sequence<T, N>: N must not be negative" );
static T const M = N / 2;
static T const R = N % 2;
using S1 = typename make_integer_sequence_impl<T, M>::type;
using S2 = typename append_integer_sequence<S1, S1>::type;
using S3 = typename make_integer_sequence_impl<T, R>::type;
using S4 = typename append_integer_sequence<S2, S3>::type;
using type = S4;
template<class T, T N> struct make_integer_sequence_impl: iseq_if_c<N == 0, iseq_identity<integer_sequence<T>>, iseq_if_c<N == 1, iseq_identity<integer_sequence<T, 0>>, make_integer_sequence_impl_<T, N> > >
} // namespace detail
// make_integer_sequence
template<class T, T N> using make_integer_sequence = typename detail::make_integer_sequence_impl<T, N>::type;
// index_sequence
template<std::size_t... I> using index_sequence = integer_sequence<std::size_t, I...>;
// make_index_sequence
template<std::size_t N> using make_index_sequence = make_integer_sequence<std::size_t, N>;
// index_sequence_for
template<class... T> using index_sequence_for = make_integer_sequence<std::size_t, sizeof...(T)>;
// implementation by Bruno Dutra (by the name is_evaluable)
namespace detail
template<template<class...> class F, class... T> struct mp_valid_impl
template<template<class...> class G, class = G<T...>> static mp_true check(int);
template<template<class...> class> static mp_false check(...);
using type = decltype(check<F>(0));
} // namespace detail
template<template<class...> class F, class... T> using mp_valid = typename detail::mp_valid_impl<F, T...>::type;
} } }