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2024-10-18 13:19:59 +08:00
// Copyright (c) 2019 Vinnie Falco (
// Copyright (c) 2020 Krystian Stasiowski (
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// Official repository:
#include <boost/json/detail/config.hpp>
#include <boost/json/detail/except.hpp>
#include <boost/json/error.hpp>
#include <boost/json/kind.hpp>
#include <boost/json/parse_options.hpp>
#include <boost/json/detail/stack.hpp>
#include <boost/json/detail/stream.hpp>
#include <boost/json/detail/utf8.hpp>
This file is in the detail namespace because it
is not allowed to be included directly by users,
who should be including <boost/json/basic_parser.hpp>
instead, which provides the member function definitions.
The source code is arranged this way to keep compile
times down.
/** An incremental SAX parser for serialized JSON.
This implements a SAX-style parser, invoking a
caller-supplied handler with each parsing event.
To use, first declare a variable of type
`basic_parser<T>` where `T` meets the handler
requirements specified below. Then call
@ref write_some one or more times with the input,
setting `more = false` on the final buffer.
The parsing events are realized through member
function calls on the handler, which exists
as a data member of the parser.
The parser may dynamically allocate intermediate
storage as needed to accommodate the nesting level
of the input JSON. On subsequent invocations, the
parser can cheaply re-use this memory, improving
performance. This storage is freed when the
parser is destroyed
@par Usage
To get the declaration and function definitions
for this class it is necessary to include this
file instead:
#include <boost/json/basic_parser_impl.hpp>
Users who wish to parse JSON into the DOM container
@ref value will not use this class directly; instead
they will create an instance of @ref parser or
@ref stream_parser and use that instead. Alternatively,
they may call the function @ref parse. This class is
designed for users who wish to perform custom actions
instead of building a @ref value. For example, to
produce a DOM from an external library.
By default, only conforming JSON using UTF-8
encoding is accepted. However, select non-compliant
syntax can be allowed by construction using a
@ref parse_options set to desired values.
@par Handler
The handler provided must be implemented as an
object of class type which defines each of the
required event member functions below. The event
functions return a `bool` where `true` indicates
success, and `false` indicates failure. If the
member function returns `false`, it must set
the error code to a suitable value. This error
code will be returned by the write function to
the caller.
Handlers are required to declare the maximum
limits on various elements. If these limits
are exceeded during parsing, then parsing
fails with an error.
The following declaration meets the parser's
handler requirements:
struct handler
/// The maximum number of elements allowed in an array
static constexpr std::size_t max_array_size = -1;
/// The maximum number of elements allowed in an object
static constexpr std::size_t max_object_size = -1;
/// The maximum number of characters allowed in a string
static constexpr std::size_t max_string_size = -1;
/// The maximum number of characters allowed in a key
static constexpr std::size_t max_key_size = -1;
/// Called once when the JSON parsing begins.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_document_begin( error_code& ec );
/// Called when the JSON parsing is done.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_document_end( error_code& ec );
/// Called when the beginning of an array is encountered.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_array_begin( error_code& ec );
/// Called when the end of the current array is encountered.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param n The number of elements in the array.
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_array_end( std::size_t n, error_code& ec );
/// Called when the beginning of an object is encountered.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_object_begin( error_code& ec );
/// Called when the end of the current object is encountered.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param n The number of elements in the object.
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_object_end( std::size_t n, error_code& ec );
/// Called with characters corresponding to part of the current string.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param s The partial characters
/// @param n The total size of the string thus far
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_string_part( string_view s, std::size_t n, error_code& ec );
/// Called with the last characters corresponding to the current string.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param s The remaining characters
/// @param n The total size of the string
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_string( string_view s, std::size_t n, error_code& ec );
/// Called with characters corresponding to part of the current key.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param s The partial characters
/// @param n The total size of the key thus far
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_key_part( string_view s, std::size_t n, error_code& ec );
/// Called with the last characters corresponding to the current key.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param s The remaining characters
/// @param n The total size of the key
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_key( string_view s, std::size_t n, error_code& ec );
/// Called with the characters corresponding to part of the current number.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param s The partial characters
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_number_part( string_view s, error_code& ec );
/// Called when a signed integer is parsed.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param i The value
/// @param s The remaining characters
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_int64( int64_t i, string_view s, error_code& ec );
/// Called when an unsigend integer is parsed.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param u The value
/// @param s The remaining characters
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_uint64( uint64_t u, string_view s, error_code& ec );
/// Called when a double is parsed.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param d The value
/// @param s The remaining characters
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_double( double d, string_view s, error_code& ec );
/// Called when a boolean is parsed.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param b The value
/// @param s The remaining characters
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_bool( bool b, error_code& ec );
/// Called when a null is parsed.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_null( error_code& ec );
/// Called with characters corresponding to part of the current comment.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param s The partial characters.
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_comment_part( string_view s, error_code& ec );
/// Called with the last characters corresponding to the current comment.
/// @return `true` on success.
/// @param s The remaining characters
/// @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
bool on_comment( string_view s, error_code& ec );
@ref parse,
@ref stream_parser.
@headerfile <boost/json/basic_parser.hpp>
template<class Handler>
class basic_parser
enum class state : char
doc1, doc2, doc3, doc4,
com1, com2, com3, com4,
nul1, nul2, nul3,
tru1, tru2, tru3,
fal1, fal2, fal3, fal4,
str1, str2, str3, str4,
str5, str6, str7, str8,
sur1, sur2, sur3,
sur4, sur5, sur6,
obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4,
obj5, obj6, obj7, obj8,
obj9, obj10, obj11,
arr1, arr2, arr3,
arr4, arr5, arr6,
num1, num2, num3, num4,
num5, num6, num7, num8,
exp1, exp2, exp3,
val1, val2
struct number
uint64_t mant;
int bias;
int exp;
bool frac;
bool neg;
// optimization: must come first
Handler h_;
number num_;
error_code ec_;
detail::stack st_;
detail::utf8_sequence seq_;
unsigned u1_;
unsigned u2_;
bool more_; // false for final buffer
bool done_ = false; // true on complete parse
bool clean_ = true; // write_some exited cleanly
const char* end_;
parse_options opt_;
// how many levels deeper the parser can go
std::size_t depth_ = opt_.max_depth;
inline void reserve();
inline const char* sentinel();
inline bool incomplete(
const detail::const_stream_wrapper& cs);
#pragma warning push
#pragma warning disable 2196
const char*
suspend_or_fail(state st);
const char*
state st,
std::size_t n);
const char*
fail(const char* p) noexcept;
const char*
const char* p,
error ev,
source_location const* loc) noexcept;
const char*
const char* p,
state st);
const char*
const char* p,
state st,
std::size_t n);
const char*
const char* p,
state st,
const number& num);
const char*
const char* p,
state st);
const char*
const char* p,
state st,
const number& num);
#pragma warning pop
template<bool StackEmpty_/*, bool Terminal_*/>
const char* parse_comment(const char* p,
std::integral_constant<bool, StackEmpty_> stack_empty,
/*std::integral_constant<bool, Terminal_>*/ bool terminal);
template<bool StackEmpty_>
const char* parse_document(const char* p,
std::integral_constant<bool, StackEmpty_> stack_empty);
template<bool StackEmpty_, bool AllowComments_/*,
bool AllowTrailing_, bool AllowBadUTF8_*/>
const char* parse_value(const char* p,
std::integral_constant<bool, StackEmpty_> stack_empty,
std::integral_constant<bool, AllowComments_> allow_comments,
/*std::integral_constant<bool, AllowTrailing_>*/ bool allow_trailing,
/*std::integral_constant<bool, AllowBadUTF8_>*/ bool allow_bad_utf8);
template<bool StackEmpty_, bool AllowComments_/*,
bool AllowTrailing_, bool AllowBadUTF8_*/>
const char* resume_value(const char* p,
std::integral_constant<bool, StackEmpty_> stack_empty,
std::integral_constant<bool, AllowComments_> allow_comments,
/*std::integral_constant<bool, AllowTrailing_>*/ bool allow_trailing,
/*std::integral_constant<bool, AllowBadUTF8_>*/ bool allow_bad_utf8);
template<bool StackEmpty_, bool AllowComments_/*,
bool AllowTrailing_, bool AllowBadUTF8_*/>
const char* parse_object(const char* p,
std::integral_constant<bool, StackEmpty_> stack_empty,
std::integral_constant<bool, AllowComments_> allow_comments,
/*std::integral_constant<bool, AllowTrailing_>*/ bool allow_trailing,
/*std::integral_constant<bool, AllowBadUTF8_>*/ bool allow_bad_utf8);
template<bool StackEmpty_, bool AllowComments_/*,
bool AllowTrailing_, bool AllowBadUTF8_*/>
const char* parse_array(const char* p,
std::integral_constant<bool, StackEmpty_> stack_empty,
std::integral_constant<bool, AllowComments_> allow_comments,
/*std::integral_constant<bool, AllowTrailing_>*/ bool allow_trailing,
/*std::integral_constant<bool, AllowBadUTF8_>*/ bool allow_bad_utf8);
template<bool StackEmpty_>
const char* parse_null(const char* p,
std::integral_constant<bool, StackEmpty_> stack_empty);
template<bool StackEmpty_>
const char* parse_true(const char* p,
std::integral_constant<bool, StackEmpty_> stack_empty);
template<bool StackEmpty_>
const char* parse_false(const char* p,
std::integral_constant<bool, StackEmpty_> stack_empty);
template<bool StackEmpty_, bool IsKey_/*,
bool AllowBadUTF8_*/>
const char* parse_string(const char* p,
std::integral_constant<bool, StackEmpty_> stack_empty,
std::integral_constant<bool, IsKey_> is_key,
/*std::integral_constant<bool, AllowBadUTF8_>*/ bool allow_bad_utf8);
template<bool StackEmpty_, char First_>
const char* parse_number(const char* p,
std::integral_constant<bool, StackEmpty_> stack_empty,
std::integral_constant<char, First_> first);
template<bool StackEmpty_, bool IsKey_/*,
bool AllowBadUTF8_*/>
const char* parse_unescaped(const char* p,
std::integral_constant<bool, StackEmpty_> stack_empty,
std::integral_constant<bool, IsKey_> is_key,
/*std::integral_constant<bool, AllowBadUTF8_>*/ bool allow_bad_utf8);
template<bool StackEmpty_/*, bool IsKey_,
bool AllowBadUTF8_*/>
const char* parse_escaped(
const char* p,
std::size_t total,
std::integral_constant<bool, StackEmpty_> stack_empty,
/*std::integral_constant<bool, IsKey_>*/ bool is_key,
/*std::integral_constant<bool, AllowBadUTF8_>*/ bool allow_bad_utf8);
// intentionally private
depth() const noexcept
return opt_.max_depth - depth_;
/// Copy constructor (deleted)
basic_parser const&) = delete;
/// Copy assignment (deleted)
basic_parser& operator=(
basic_parser const&) = delete;
/** Destructor.
All dynamically allocated internal memory is freed.
@par Effects
@par Complexity
Same as `~Handler()`.
@par Exception Safety
Same as `~Handler()`.
~basic_parser() = default;
/** Constructor.
This function constructs the parser with
the specified options, with any additional
arguments forwarded to the handler's constructor.
@par Complexity
Same as `Handler( std::forward< Args >( args )... )`.
@par Exception Safety
Same as `Handler( std::forward< Args >( args )... )`.
@param opt Configuration settings for the parser.
If this structure is default constructed, the
parser will accept only standard JSON.
@param args Optional additional arguments
forwarded to the handler's constructor.
@see parse_options
template<class... Args>
parse_options const& opt,
Args&&... args);
/** Return a reference to the handler.
This function provides access to the constructed
instance of the handler owned by the parser.
@par Complexity
@par Exception Safety
No-throw guarantee.
handler() noexcept
return h_;
/** Return a reference to the handler.
This function provides access to the constructed
instance of the handler owned by the parser.
@par Complexity
@par Exception Safety
No-throw guarantee.
Handler const&
handler() const noexcept
return h_;
/** Return the last error.
This returns the last error code which
was generated in the most recent call
to @ref write_some.
@par Complexity
@par Exception Safety
No-throw guarantee.
last_error() const noexcept
return ec_;
/** Return true if a complete JSON has been parsed.
This function returns `true` when all of these
conditions are met:
@li A complete serialized JSON has been
presented to the parser, and
@li No error or exception has occurred since the
parser was constructed, or since the last call
to @ref reset,
@par Complexity
@par Exception Safety
No-throw guarantee.
done() const noexcept
return done_;
/** Reset the state, to parse a new document.
This function discards the current parsing
state, to prepare for parsing a new document.
Dynamically allocated temporary memory used
by the implementation is not deallocated.
@par Complexity
@par Exception Safety
No-throw guarantee.
reset() noexcept;
/** Indicate a parsing failure.
This changes the state of the parser to indicate
that the parse has failed. A parser implementation
can use this to fail the parser if needed due to
external inputs.
If `!ec`, the stored error code is unspecified.
@par Complexity
@par Exception Safety
No-throw guarantee.
@param ec The error code to set. If the code does
not indicate failure, an implementation-defined
error code that indicates failure will be stored
fail(error_code ec) noexcept;
/** Parse some of an input string as JSON, incrementally.
This function parses the JSON in the specified
buffer, calling the handler to emit each SAX
parsing event. The parse proceeds from the
current state, which is at the beginning of a
new JSON or in the middle of the current JSON
if any characters were already parsed.
The characters in the buffer are processed
starting from the beginning, until one of the
following conditions is met:
@li All of the characters in the buffer
have been parsed, or
@li Some of the characters in the buffer
have been parsed and the JSON is complete, or
@li A parsing error occurs.
The supplied buffer does not need to contain the
entire JSON. Subsequent calls can provide more
serialized data, allowing JSON to be processed
incrementally. The end of the serialized JSON
can be indicated by passing `more = false`.
@par Complexity
Linear in `size`.
@par Exception Safety
Basic guarantee.
Calls to the handler may throw.
Upon error or exception, subsequent calls will
fail until @ref reset is called to parse a new JSON.
@return The number of characters successfully
parsed, which may be smaller than `size`.
@param more `true` if there are possibly more
buffers in the current JSON, otherwise `false`.
@param data A pointer to a buffer of `size`
characters to parse.
@param size The number of characters pointed to
by `data`.
@param ec Set to the error, if any occurred.
/** @{ */
bool more,
char const* data,
std::size_t size,
error_code& ec);
bool more,
char const* data,
std::size_t size,
std::error_code& ec);
/** @} */