299 lines
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299 lines
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Forward declares `boost::hana::set`.
@copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2017
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE.md or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <boost/hana/config.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/fwd/core/to.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/fwd/core/make.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/fwd/erase_key.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace hana {
//! @ingroup group-datatypes
//! Basic unordered container requiring unique, `Comparable` and
//! `Hashable` keys.
//! A set is an unordered container that can hold heterogeneous keys.
//! A set requires (and ensures) that no duplicates are present when
//! inserting new keys.
//! @note
//! The actual representation of a `hana::set` is implementation-defined.
//! In particular, one should not take for granted the order of the
//! template parameters and the presence of any additional constructors
//! or assignment operators than what is documented. The canonical way of
//! creating a `hana::set` is through `hana::make_set`. More details
//! [in the tutorial](@ref tutorial-containers-types).
//! Modeled concepts
//! ----------------
//! 1. `Comparable`\n
//! Two sets are equal iff they contain the same elements, regardless of
//! the order.
//! @include example/set/comparable.cpp
//! 2. Foldable\n
//! Folding a set is equivalent to folding the sequence of its values.
//! However, note that the values are not required to be in any specific
//! order, so using the folds provided here with an operation that is not
//! both commutative and associative will yield non-deterministic behavior.
//! @include example/set/foldable.cpp
//! 3. Searchable\n
//! The elements in a set act as both its keys and its values. Since the
//! elements of a set are unique, searching for an element will return
//! either the only element which is equal to the searched value, or
//! `nothing`. Also note that `operator[]` can be used instead of the
//! `at_key` function.
//! @include example/set/searchable.cpp
//! Conversion from any `Foldable`
//! ------------------------------
//! Any `Foldable` structure can be converted into a `hana::set` with
//! `to<set_tag>`. The elements of the structure must all be compile-time
//! `Comparable`. If the structure contains duplicate elements, only
//! the first occurence will appear in the resulting set. More
//! specifically, conversion from a `Foldable` is equivalent to
//! @code
//! to<set_tag>(xs) == fold_left(xs, make_set(), insert)
//! @endcode
//! __Example__
//! @include example/set/to.cpp
template <typename implementation_defined>
struct set {
//! Default-construct a set. This constructor only exists when all the
//! elements of the set are default-constructible.
constexpr set() = default;
//! Copy-construct a set from another set. This constructor only
//! exists when all the elements of the set are copy-constructible.
constexpr set(set const& other) = default;
//! Move-construct a set from another set. This constructor only
//! exists when all the elements of the set are move-constructible.
constexpr set(set&& other) = default;
//! Equivalent to `hana::equal`
template <typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr auto operator==(X&& x, Y&& y);
//! Equivalent to `hana::not_equal`
template <typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr auto operator!=(X&& x, Y&& y);
//! Equivalent to `hana::at_key`
template <typename Key>
constexpr decltype(auto) operator[](Key&& key);
template <typename ...Xs>
struct set;
//! Tag representing the `hana::set` container.
//! @relates hana::set
struct set_tag { };
//! Function object for creating a `hana::set`.
//! @relates hana::set
//! Given zero or more values `xs...`, `make<set_tag>` returns a `set`
//! containing those values. The values must all be compile-time
//! `Comparable`, and no duplicate values may be provided. To create
//! a `set` from a sequence with possible duplicates, use `to<set_tag>`
//! instead.
//! Example
//! -------
//! @include example/set/make.cpp
template <>
constexpr auto make<set_tag> = [](auto&& ...xs) {
return set<implementation_defined>{forwarded(xs)...};
//! Equivalent to `make<set_tag>`; provided for convenience.
//! @relates hana::set
//! Example
//! -------
//! @include example/set/make.cpp
BOOST_HANA_INLINE_VARIABLE constexpr auto make_set = make<set_tag>;
//! Insert an element in a `hana::set`.
//! @relates hana::set
//! If the set already contains an element that compares equal, then
//! nothing is done and the set is returned as is.
//! @param set
//! The set in which to insert a value.
//! @param element
//! The value to insert. It must be compile-time `Comparable`.
//! Example
//! -------
//! @include example/set/insert.cpp
constexpr auto insert = [](auto&& set, auto&& element) {
return tag-dispatched;
//! Remove an element from a `hana::set`.
//! @relates hana::set
//! Returns a new set containing all the elements of the original,
//! except the one comparing `equal` to the given element. If the set
//! does not contain such an element, a new set equal to the original
//! set is returned.
//! @param set
//! The set in which to remove a value.
//! @param element
//! The value to remove. It must be compile-time `Comparable`.
//! Example
//! -------
//! @include example/set/erase_key.cpp
constexpr auto erase_key = [](auto&& set, auto&& element) {
return tag-dispatched;
//! Returns the union of two sets.
//! @relates hana::set
//! Given two sets `xs` and `ys`, `union_(xs, ys)` is a new set containing
//! all the elements of `xs` and all the elements of `ys`, without
//! duplicates. For any object `x`, the following holds: `x` is in
//! `hana::union_(xs, ys)` if and only if `x` is in `xs` or `x` is in `ys`.
//! @param xs, ys
//! Two sets to compute the union of.
//! Example
//! -------
//! @include example/set/union.cpp
constexpr auto union_ = [](auto&& xs, auto&& ys) {
return tag-dispatched;
//! Returns the intersection of two sets.
//! @relates hana::set
//! Given two sets `xs` and `ys`, `intersection(xs, ys)` is a new set
//! containing exactly those elements that are present both in `xs` and
//! in `ys`.
//! In other words, the following holds for any object `x`:
//! @code
//! x ^in^ intersection(xs, ys) if and only if x ^in^ xs && x ^in^ ys
//! @endcode
//! @param xs, ys
//! Two sets to intersect.
//! Example
//! -------
//! @include example/set/intersection.cpp
constexpr auto intersection = [](auto&& xs, auto&& ys) {
return tag-dispatched;
//! Equivalent to `to<set_tag>`; provided for convenience.
//! @relates hana::set
constexpr auto to_set = to<set_tag>;
//! Returns the set-theoretic difference of two sets.
//! @relates hana::set
//! Given two sets `xs` and `ys`, `difference(xs, ys)` is a new set
//! containing all the elements of `xs` that are _not_ contained in `ys`.
//! For any object `x`, the following holds:
//! @code
//! x ^in^ difference(xs, ys) if and only if x ^in^ xs && !(x ^in^ ys)
//! @endcode
//! This operation is not commutative, i.e. `difference(xs, ys)` is not
//! necessarily the same as `difference(ys, xs)`. Indeed, consider the
//! case where `xs` is empty and `ys` isn't. Then, `difference(xs, ys)`
//! is empty but `difference(ys, xs)` is equal to `ys`. For the symmetric
//! version of this operation, see `symmetric_difference`.
//! @param xs
//! A set param to remove values from.
//! @param ys
//! The set whose values are removed from `xs`.
//! Example
//! -------
//! @include example/set/difference.cpp
constexpr auto difference = [](auto&& xs, auto&& ys) {
return tag-dispatched;
//! Returns the symmetric set-theoretic difference of two sets.
//! @relates hana::set
//! Given two sets `xs` and `ys`, `symmetric_difference(xs, ys)` is a new
//! set containing all the elements of `xs` that are not contained in `ys`,
//! and all the elements of `ys` that are not contained in `xs`. The
//! symmetric difference of two sets satisfies the following:
//! @code
//! symmetric_difference(xs, ys) == union_(difference(xs, ys), difference(ys, xs))
//! @endcode
//! @param xs, ys
//! Two sets to compute the symmetric difference of.
//! Example
//! -------
//! @include example/set/symmetric_difference.cpp
constexpr auto symmetric_difference = [](auto&& xs, auto&& ys) {
return tag-dispatched;
}} // end namespace boost::hana