490 lines
14 KiB
490 lines
14 KiB
// Copyright 2016 Klemens Morgenstern
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <boost/dll/detail/demangling/mangled_storage_base.hpp>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_const.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_volatile.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_rvalue_reference.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_lvalue_reference.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/function_traits.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace dll { namespace detail {
class mangled_storage_impl : public mangled_storage_base
template<typename T>
struct dummy {};
template<typename Return, typename ...Args>
std::vector<std::string> get_func_params(dummy<Return(Args...)>) const
return {get_name<Args>()...};
template<typename Return, typename ...Args>
std::string get_return_type(dummy<Return(Args...)>) const
return get_name<Return>();
using mangled_storage_base::mangled_storage_base;
struct ctor_sym
std::string C1;
std::string C2;
std::string C3;
bool empty() const
return C1.empty() && C2.empty() && C3.empty();
struct dtor_sym
std::string D0;
std::string D1;
std::string D2;
bool empty() const
return D0.empty() && D1.empty() && D2.empty();
template<typename T>
std::string get_variable(const std::string &name) const;
template<typename Func>
std::string get_function(const std::string &name) const;
template<typename Class, typename Func>
std::string get_mem_fn(const std::string &name) const;
template<typename Signature>
ctor_sym get_constructor() const;
template<typename Class>
dtor_sym get_destructor() const;
template<typename T>
std::string get_type_info() const;
template<typename T>
std::vector<std::string> get_related() const;
namespace parser
//! declare
template <typename... T>
struct dummy;
template <typename T>
std::string parse_type_helper(const mangled_storage_impl & ms, dummy<T>*);
template <typename... T, template <typename...> class Tn>
std::string parse_type_helper(const mangled_storage_impl & ms, dummy<Tn<T...>>*);
template <typename... T, template <typename...> class Tn>
std::string parse_type(const mangled_storage_impl & ms, dummy<Tn<T...>>*);
template <typename T>
std::string parse_type(const mangled_storage_impl & ms, dummy<T>*);
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... T3>
std::string parse_type(const mangled_storage_impl & ms, dummy<T1, T2, T3...>*);
template <typename R, typename... Args>
std::string parse_type(const mangled_storage_impl & ms, dummy<R(Args...)>*);
std::string parse_type(const mangled_storage_impl & ms, dummy<>*);
template<typename T>
type_name(const mangled_storage_impl &);
//The purpose of this class template is to separate the pure type from the rule name from the target type
template<typename T>
struct pure_type
typedef T type;
inline static std::string type_rule() { return ""; }
template<typename T>
struct pure_type<T*>
typedef typename pure_type<T>::type type;
inline static std::string type_rule()
return pure_type<T>::type_rule() + "*";
template<typename T>
struct pure_type<T const>
typedef typename pure_type<T>::type type;
inline static std::string type_rule()
return pure_type<T>::type_rule() + " const";
template<typename T>
struct pure_type<T volatile>
typedef typename pure_type<T>::type type;
inline static std::string type_rule()
return pure_type<T>::type_rule() + " volatile";
template<typename T>
struct pure_type<T const volatile>
typedef typename pure_type<T>::type type;
inline static std::string type_rule()
return pure_type<T>::type_rule() + " const volatile";
template<typename T>
struct pure_type<T&>
typedef typename pure_type<T>::type type;
inline static std::string type_rule()
return pure_type<T>::type_rule() + "&";
template<typename T>
struct pure_type<T&&>
typedef typename pure_type<T>::type type;
inline static std::string type_rule()
return pure_type<T>::type_rule() + "&&";
inline std::string const_rule_impl(true_type ) {return " const";}
inline std::string const_rule_impl(false_type) {return "";}
template<typename T>
std::string const_rule() {using t = is_const<typename remove_reference<T>::type>; return const_rule_impl(t());}
inline std::string volatile_rule_impl(true_type ) {return " volatile";}
inline std::string volatile_rule_impl(false_type) {return "";}
template<typename T>
std::string volatile_rule() {using t = is_volatile<typename remove_reference<T>::type>; return volatile_rule_impl(t());}
inline std::string reference_rule_impl(false_type, false_type) {return "";}
inline std::string reference_rule_impl(true_type, false_type) {return "&" ;}
inline std::string reference_rule_impl(false_type, true_type ) {return "&&";}
template<typename T>
std::string reference_rule() {using t_l = is_lvalue_reference<T>; using t_r = is_rvalue_reference<T>; return reference_rule_impl(t_l(), t_r());}
//it takes a string, because it may be overloaded.
template<typename Return, typename Arg>
std::string arg_list(const mangled_storage_impl & ms, Return (*)(Arg))
using namespace std;
return type_name<Arg>(ms);
template<typename Return, typename First, typename Second, typename ...Args>
std::string arg_list(const mangled_storage_impl & ms, Return (*)(First, Second, Args...))
using next_type = Return (*)(Second, Args...);
return type_name<First>(ms) + ", " + arg_list(ms, next_type());
template<typename Return>
std::string arg_list(const mangled_storage_impl &, Return (*)())
return "";
//! implement
template <typename T>
inline std::string parse_type_helper(const mangled_storage_impl & ms, dummy<T>*) {
return ms.get_name<T>();
template <typename... T, template <typename...> class Tn>
inline std::string parse_type_helper(const mangled_storage_impl & ms, dummy<Tn<T...>>*) {
using type = dummy<Tn<T...>>*;
return parse_type(ms, type());
template <typename R, typename... Args>
inline std::string parse_type(const mangled_storage_impl & ms, dummy<R(*)(Args...)>*) {
using args_type = dummy<Args...>*;
using return_type = dummy<R>*;
return parse_type(ms, return_type()) + " (*)(" + parse_type(ms, args_type()) + ")";
template <typename R, typename... Args>
inline std::string parse_type(const mangled_storage_impl & ms, dummy<R(Args...)>*) {
using args_type = dummy<Args...>*;
using return_type = dummy<R>*;
return parse_type(ms, return_type()) + " (" + parse_type(ms, args_type()) + ")";
template <typename T>
inline std::string parse_type(const mangled_storage_impl & ms, dummy<T>*) {
using type = dummy<typename pure_type<T>::type>*;
auto str = parse_type_helper(ms, type());
return str + pure_type<T>::type_rule();
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... T3>
inline std::string parse_type(const mangled_storage_impl & ms, dummy<T1, T2, T3...>*) {
using first_type = dummy<T1>*;
using next_type = dummy<T2, T3...>*;
return parse_type(ms, first_type()) + ", " + parse_type(ms, next_type());
template <typename... T, template <typename...> class Tn>
inline std::string parse_type(const mangled_storage_impl & ms, dummy<Tn<T...>>*) {
using next_type = dummy<T...>*;
std::string str = ms.get_name<Tn<T...>>();
auto frist = str.find_first_of("<");
std::string template_name = str.substr(0, frist);
std::string args_name = parse_type(ms, next_type());
char last_ch = args_name[args_name.size() - 1];
return template_name + "<" + args_name + (last_ch == '>' ? " >" : ">");
inline std::string parse_type(const mangled_storage_impl &, dummy<>*) {
return "";
template<typename T>
inline std::string
type_name(const mangled_storage_impl &ms)
using namespace parser;
using type = dummy<T>*;
return parse_type(ms, type());
template<typename T> std::string mangled_storage_impl::get_variable(const std::string &name) const
auto found = std::find_if(storage_.begin(), storage_.end(),
[&](const entry& e) {return e.demangled == name;});
if (found != storage_.end())
return found->mangled;
return "";
template<typename Func> std::string mangled_storage_impl::get_function(const std::string &name) const
using func_type = Func*;
auto matcher = name + '(' + parser::arg_list(*this, func_type()) + ')';
auto found = std::find_if(storage_.begin(), storage_.end(), [&](const entry& e) {return e.demangled == matcher;});
if (found != storage_.end())
return found->mangled;
return "";
template<typename Class, typename Func>
std::string mangled_storage_impl::get_mem_fn(const std::string &name) const
using namespace parser;
using func_type = Func*;
std::string cname = get_name<Class>();
const auto matcher = cname + "::" + name +
'(' + parser::arg_list(*this, func_type()) + ')'
+ const_rule<Class>() + volatile_rule<Class>();
// Linux export table contains int MyClass::Func<float>(), but expected in import_mangled MyClass::Func<float>() without returned type.
auto found = std::find_if(storage_.begin(), storage_.end(), [&matcher](const entry& e) {
if (e.demangled == matcher) {
return true;
const auto pos = e.demangled.rfind(matcher);
if (pos == std::string::npos) {
// Not found.
return false;
if (pos + matcher.size() != e.demangled.size()) {
// There are some characters after the `matcher` string.
return false;
// Double checking that we matched a full function name
return e.demangled[pos - 1] == ' '; // `if (e.demangled == matcher)` makes sure that `pos > 0`
if (found != storage_.end())
return found->mangled;
return "";
template<typename Signature>
auto mangled_storage_impl::get_constructor() const -> ctor_sym
using namespace parser;
using func_type = Signature*;
std::string ctor_name; // = class_name + "::" + name;
std::string unscoped_cname; //the unscoped class-name
auto class_name = get_return_type(dummy<Signature>());
auto pos = class_name.rfind("::");
if (pos == std::string::npos)
ctor_name = class_name+ "::" +class_name ;
unscoped_cname = class_name;
unscoped_cname = class_name.substr(pos+2) ;
ctor_name = class_name+ "::" + unscoped_cname;
auto matcher =
ctor_name + '(' + parser::arg_list(*this, func_type()) + ')';
std::vector<entry> findings;
std::copy_if(storage_.begin(), storage_.end(),
std::back_inserter(findings), [&](const entry& e) {return e.demangled == matcher;});
ctor_sym ct;
for (auto & e : findings)
if (e.mangled.find(unscoped_cname +"C1E") != std::string::npos)
ct.C1 = e.mangled;
else if (e.mangled.find(unscoped_cname +"C2E") != std::string::npos)
ct.C2 = e.mangled;
else if (e.mangled.find(unscoped_cname +"C3E") != std::string::npos)
ct.C3 = e.mangled;
return ct;
template<typename Class>
auto mangled_storage_impl::get_destructor() const -> dtor_sym
std::string dtor_name; // = class_name + "::" + name;
std::string unscoped_cname; //the unscoped class-name
auto class_name = get_name<Class>();
auto pos = class_name.rfind("::");
if (pos == std::string::npos)
dtor_name = class_name+ "::~" + class_name + "()";
unscoped_cname = class_name;
unscoped_cname = class_name.substr(pos+2) ;
dtor_name = class_name+ "::~" + unscoped_cname + "()";
auto d0 = unscoped_cname + "D0Ev";
auto d1 = unscoped_cname + "D1Ev";
auto d2 = unscoped_cname + "D2Ev";
dtor_sym dt;
//this is so simple, i don#t need a predicate
for (auto & s : storage_)
//alright, name fits
if (s.demangled == dtor_name)
if (s.mangled.find(d0) != std::string::npos)
dt.D0 = s.mangled;
else if (s.mangled.find(d1) != std::string::npos)
dt.D1 = s.mangled;
else if (s.mangled.find(d2) != std::string::npos)
dt.D2 = s.mangled;
return dt;
template<typename T>
std::string mangled_storage_impl::get_type_info() const
std::string id = "typeinfo for " + get_name<T>();
auto predicate = [&](const mangled_storage_base::entry & e)
return e.demangled == id;
auto found = std::find_if(storage_.begin(), storage_.end(), predicate);
if (found != storage_.end())
return found->mangled;
return "";
template<typename T>
std::vector<std::string> mangled_storage_impl::get_related() const
std::vector<std::string> ret;
auto name = get_name<T>();
for (auto & c : storage_)
if (c.demangled.find(name) != std::string::npos)
return ret;