343 lines
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343 lines
14 KiB
/* Copyright (c) 2002,2003,2005 CrystalClear Software, Inc.
* Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
* Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
* Author: Jeff Garland, Bart Garst
* $Date$
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/compiler_config.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/parse_format_base.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/period.hpp>
#include <cctype> // ::tolower(int)
#include <locale> // std::tolower(char, locale)
namespace boost {
namespace date_time {
//! A function to replace the std::transform( , , ,tolower) construct
/*! This function simply takes a string, and changes all the characters
* in that string to lowercase (according to the default system locale).
* In the event that a compiler does not support locales, the old
* C style tolower() is used.
convert_to_lower(std::string inp)
const std::locale loc(std::locale::classic());
std::string::size_type i = 0, n = inp.length();
for (; i < n; ++i) {
inp[i] =
// tolower and others were brought in to std for borland >= v564
// in compiler_config.hpp
std::tolower(inp[i], loc);
return inp;
//! Helper function for parse_date.
template<class month_type>
inline unsigned short
month_str_to_ushort(std::string const& s) {
if((s.at(0) >= '0') && (s.at(0) <= '9')) {
return boost::lexical_cast<unsigned short>(s);
else {
std::string str = convert_to_lower(s);
//c++98 support
static std::map<std::string, unsigned short> month_map;
typedef std::map<std::string, unsigned short>::value_type vtype;
if( month_map.empty() ) {
month_map.insert( vtype("jan", static_cast<unsigned short>(1)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("january", static_cast<unsigned short>(1)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("feb", static_cast<unsigned short>(2)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("february", static_cast<unsigned short>(2)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("mar", static_cast<unsigned short>(3)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("march", static_cast<unsigned short>(3)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("apr", static_cast<unsigned short>(4)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("april", static_cast<unsigned short>(4)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("may", static_cast<unsigned short>(5)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("jun", static_cast<unsigned short>(6)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("june", static_cast<unsigned short>(6)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("jul", static_cast<unsigned short>(7)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("july", static_cast<unsigned short>(7)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("aug", static_cast<unsigned short>(8)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("august", static_cast<unsigned short>(8)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("sep", static_cast<unsigned short>(9)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("september", static_cast<unsigned short>(9)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("oct", static_cast<unsigned short>(10)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("october", static_cast<unsigned short>(10)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("nov", static_cast<unsigned short>(11)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("november", static_cast<unsigned short>(11)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("dec", static_cast<unsigned short>(12)) );
month_map.insert( vtype("december", static_cast<unsigned short>(12)) );
#else //c+11 and beyond
static std::map<std::string, unsigned short> month_map =
{ { "jan", static_cast<unsigned short>(1) }, { "january", static_cast<unsigned short>(1) },
{ "feb", static_cast<unsigned short>(2) }, { "february", static_cast<unsigned short>(2) },
{ "mar", static_cast<unsigned short>(3) }, { "march", static_cast<unsigned short>(3) },
{ "apr", static_cast<unsigned short>(4) }, { "april", static_cast<unsigned short>(4) },
{ "may", static_cast<unsigned short>(5) },
{ "jun", static_cast<unsigned short>(6) }, { "june", static_cast<unsigned short>(6) },
{ "jul", static_cast<unsigned short>(7) }, { "july", static_cast<unsigned short>(7) },
{ "aug", static_cast<unsigned short>(8) }, { "august", static_cast<unsigned short>(8) },
{ "sep", static_cast<unsigned short>(9) }, { "september", static_cast<unsigned short>(9) },
{ "oct", static_cast<unsigned short>(10) }, { "october", static_cast<unsigned short>(10)},
{ "nov", static_cast<unsigned short>(11) }, { "november", static_cast<unsigned short>(11)},
{ "dec", static_cast<unsigned short>(12) }, { "december", static_cast<unsigned short>(12)}
std::map<std::string, unsigned short>::const_iterator mitr = month_map.find( str );
if ( mitr != month_map.end() ) {
return mitr->second;
return 13; // intentionally out of range - name not found
//! Generic function to parse a delimited date (eg: 2002-02-10)
/*! Accepted formats are: "2003-02-10" or " 2003-Feb-10" or
* "2003-Feburary-10"
* The order in which the Month, Day, & Year appear in the argument
* string can be accomodated by passing in the appropriate ymd_order_spec
template<class date_type>
parse_date(const std::string& s, int order_spec = ymd_order_iso) {
std::string spec_str;
if(order_spec == ymd_order_iso) {
spec_str = "ymd";
else if(order_spec == ymd_order_dmy) {
spec_str = "dmy";
else { // (order_spec == ymd_order_us)
spec_str = "mdy";
typedef typename date_type::month_type month_type;
unsigned pos = 0;
unsigned short year(0), month(0), day(0);
typedef typename std::basic_string<char>::traits_type traits_type;
typedef boost::char_separator<char, traits_type> char_separator_type;
typedef boost::tokenizer<char_separator_type,
std::basic_string<char> > tokenizer;
typedef boost::tokenizer<char_separator_type,
std::basic_string<char> >::iterator tokenizer_iterator;
// may need more delimiters, these work for the regression tests
const char sep_char[] = {',','-','.',' ','/','\0'};
char_separator_type sep(sep_char);
tokenizer tok(s,sep);
for(tokenizer_iterator beg=tok.begin();
beg!=tok.end() && pos < spec_str.size();
++beg, ++pos) {
switch(spec_str.at(pos)) {
case 'y':
year = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*beg);
case 'm':
month = month_str_to_ushort<month_type>(*beg);
case 'd':
day = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*beg);
default: break;
} //switch
return date_type(year, month, day);
//! Generic function to parse undelimited date (eg: 20020201)
template<class date_type>
parse_undelimited_date(const std::string& s) {
int offsets[] = {4,2,2};
int pos = 0;
//typename date_type::ymd_type ymd((year_type::min)(),1,1);
unsigned short y = 0, m = 0, d = 0;
/* The two bool arguments state that parsing will not wrap
* (only the first 8 characters will be parsed) and partial
* strings will not be parsed.
* Ex:
* "2005121" will parse 2005 & 12, but not the "1" */
boost::offset_separator osf(offsets, offsets+3, false, false);
typedef typename boost::tokenizer<boost::offset_separator,
std::basic_string<char> > tokenizer_type;
tokenizer_type tok(s, osf);
for(typename tokenizer_type::iterator ti=tok.begin(); ti!=tok.end();++ti) {
unsigned short i = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*ti);
switch(pos) {
case 0: y = i; break;
case 1: m = i; break;
case 2: d = i; break;
default: break;
return date_type(y,m,d);
//! Helper function for 'date gregorian::from_stream()'
/*! Creates a string from the iterators that reference the
* begining & end of a char[] or string. All elements are
* used in output string */
template<class date_type, class iterator_type>
from_stream_type(iterator_type& beg,
iterator_type const& end,
std::ostringstream ss;
while(beg != end) {
ss << *beg++;
return parse_date<date_type>(ss.str());
//! Helper function for 'date gregorian::from_stream()'
/*! Returns the first string found in the stream referenced by the
* begining & end iterators */
template<class date_type, class iterator_type>
from_stream_type(iterator_type& beg,
iterator_type const& /* end */,
std::string const&)
return parse_date<date_type>(*beg);
/* I believe the wchar stuff would be best elsewhere, perhaps in
* parse_date<>()? In the mean time this gets us started... */
//! Helper function for 'date gregorian::from_stream()'
/*! Creates a string from the iterators that reference the
* begining & end of a wstring. All elements are
* used in output string */
template<class date_type, class iterator_type>
date_type from_stream_type(iterator_type& beg,
iterator_type const& end,
std::ostringstream ss;
std::locale loc;
std::ctype<wchar_t> const& fac = std::use_facet<std::ctype<wchar_t> >(loc);
while(beg != end) {
ss << fac.narrow(*beg++, 'X'); // 'X' will cause exception to be thrown
while(beg != end) {
char c = 'X'; // 'X' will cause exception to be thrown
const wchar_t wc = *beg++;
if (wc >= 0 && wc <= 127)
c = static_cast< char >(wc);
ss << c;
return parse_date<date_type>(ss.str());
//! Helper function for 'date gregorian::from_stream()'
/*! Creates a string from the first wstring found in the stream
* referenced by the begining & end iterators */
template<class date_type, class iterator_type>
from_stream_type(iterator_type& beg,
iterator_type const& /* end */,
std::wstring const&) {
std::wstring ws = *beg;
std::ostringstream ss;
std::wstring::iterator wsb = ws.begin(), wse = ws.end();
std::locale loc;
std::ctype<wchar_t> const& fac = std::use_facet<std::ctype<wchar_t> >(loc);
while(wsb != wse) {
ss << fac.narrow(*wsb++, 'X'); // 'X' will cause exception to be thrown
while(wsb != wse) {
char c = 'X'; // 'X' will cause exception to be thrown
const wchar_t wc = *wsb++;
if (wc >= 0 && wc <= 127)
c = static_cast< char >(wc);
ss << c;
return parse_date<date_type>(ss.str());
#if (defined(BOOST_MSVC) && (_MSC_VER < 1300))
// This function cannot be compiled with MSVC 6.0 due to internal compiler shorcomings
//! function called by wrapper functions: date_period_from_(w)string()
template<class date_type, class charT>
period<date_type, typename date_type::duration_type>
from_simple_string_type(const std::basic_string<charT>& s){
typedef typename std::basic_string<charT>::traits_type traits_type;
typedef typename boost::char_separator<charT, traits_type> char_separator;
typedef typename boost::tokenizer<char_separator,
typename std::basic_string<charT>::const_iterator,
std::basic_string<charT> > tokenizer;
const charT sep_list[4] = {'[','/',']','\0'};
char_separator sep(sep_list);
tokenizer tokens(s, sep);
typename tokenizer::iterator tok_it = tokens.begin();
std::basic_string<charT> date_string = *tok_it;
// get 2 string iterators and generate a date from them
typename std::basic_string<charT>::iterator date_string_start = date_string.begin(),
date_string_end = date_string.end();
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<typename std::basic_string<charT>::iterator>::value_type value_type;
date_type d1 = from_stream_type<date_type>(date_string_start, date_string_end, value_type());
date_string = *(++tok_it); // next token
date_string_start = date_string.begin(), date_string_end = date_string.end();
date_type d2 = from_stream_type<date_type>(date_string_start, date_string_end, value_type());
return period<date_type, typename date_type::duration_type>(d1, d2);
} } //namespace date_time