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2024-10-18 13:19:59 +08:00
// Copyright (c) 2020 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma
// de Barcelona (UAB).
// This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
// For a copy, see <>.
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>
#include "carla/client/Actor.h"
#include "carla/trafficmanager/Constants.h"
#include "carla/trafficmanager/TrafficManagerBase.h"
namespace carla {
namespace traffic_manager {
using constants::Networking::TM_DEFAULT_PORT;
using ActorPtr = carla::SharedPtr<carla::client::Actor>;
/// This class integrates all the various stages of
/// the traffic manager appropriately using messengers.
class TrafficManager {
/// Public constructor for singleton life cycle management.
explicit TrafficManager(
carla::client::detail::EpisodeProxy episode_proxy,
uint16_t port = TM_DEFAULT_PORT);
TrafficManager(const TrafficManager& other) {
_port = other._port;
TrafficManager() {};
TrafficManager(TrafficManager &&) = default;
TrafficManager &operator=(const TrafficManager &) = default;
TrafficManager &operator=(TrafficManager &&) = default;
static void Release();
static void Reset();
static void Tick();
uint16_t Port() const {
return _port;
bool IsValidPort() const {
// The first 1024 ports are reserved by the OS
return (_port > 1023);
/// Method to set Open Street Map mode.
void SetOSMMode(const bool mode_switch) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if (tm_ptr != nullptr) {
/// Method to set our own imported path.
void SetCustomPath(const ActorPtr &actor, const Path path, const bool empty_buffer) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if (tm_ptr != nullptr) {
tm_ptr->SetCustomPath(actor, path, empty_buffer);
/// Method to remove a path.
void RemoveUploadPath(const ActorId &actor_id, const bool remove_path) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if (tm_ptr != nullptr) {
tm_ptr->RemoveUploadPath(actor_id, remove_path);
/// Method to update an already set path.
void UpdateUploadPath(const ActorId &actor_id, const Path path) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if (tm_ptr != nullptr) {
tm_ptr->UpdateUploadPath(actor_id, path);
/// Method to set our own imported route.
void SetImportedRoute(const ActorPtr &actor, const Route route, const bool empty_buffer) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if (tm_ptr != nullptr) {
tm_ptr->SetImportedRoute(actor, route, empty_buffer);
/// Method to remove a route.
void RemoveImportedRoute(const ActorId &actor_id, const bool remove_path) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if (tm_ptr != nullptr) {
tm_ptr->RemoveImportedRoute(actor_id, remove_path);
/// Method to update an already set route.
void UpdateImportedRoute(const ActorId &actor_id, const Route route) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if (tm_ptr != nullptr) {
tm_ptr->UpdateImportedRoute(actor_id, route);
/// Method to set if we are automatically respawning vehicles.
void SetRespawnDormantVehicles(const bool mode_switch) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if (tm_ptr != nullptr) {
/// Method to set boundaries for respawning vehicles.
void SetBoundariesRespawnDormantVehicles(const float lower_bound, const float upper_bound) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if (tm_ptr != nullptr) {
tm_ptr->SetBoundariesRespawnDormantVehicles(lower_bound, upper_bound);
/// Method to set boundaries for respawning vehicles.
void SetMaxBoundaries(const float lower, const float upper) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if (tm_ptr != nullptr) {
tm_ptr->SetMaxBoundaries(lower, upper);
/// This method sets the hybrid physics mode.
void SetHybridPhysicsMode(const bool mode_switch) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
/// This method sets the hybrid physics radius.
void SetHybridPhysicsRadius(const float radius) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
/// This method registers a vehicle with the traffic manager.
void RegisterVehicles(const std::vector<ActorPtr> &actor_list) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
/// This method unregisters a vehicle from traffic manager.
void UnregisterVehicles(const std::vector<ActorPtr> &actor_list) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
/// Set a vehicle's % decrease in velocity with respect to the speed limit.
/// If less than 0, it's a % increase.
void SetPercentageSpeedDifference(const ActorPtr &actor, const float percentage) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
tm_ptr->SetPercentageSpeedDifference(actor, percentage);
/// Method to set a lane offset displacement from the center line.
/// Positive values imply a right offset while negative ones mean a left one.
void SetLaneOffset(const ActorPtr &actor, const float offset) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
tm_ptr->SetLaneOffset(actor, offset);
/// Set a vehicle's exact desired velocity.
void SetDesiredSpeed(const ActorPtr &actor, const float value) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
tm_ptr->SetDesiredSpeed(actor, value);
/// Set a global % decrease in velocity with respect to the speed limit.
/// If less than 0, it's a % increase.
void SetGlobalPercentageSpeedDifference(float const percentage){
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
/// Method to set a global lane offset displacement from the center line.
/// Positive values imply a right offset while negative ones mean a left one.
void SetGlobalLaneOffset(float const offset){
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
/// Set the automatic management of the vehicle lights
void SetUpdateVehicleLights(const ActorPtr &actor, const bool do_update){
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
tm_ptr->SetUpdateVehicleLights(actor, do_update);
/// Method to set collision detection rules between vehicles.
void SetCollisionDetection(const ActorPtr &reference_actor, const ActorPtr &other_actor, const bool detect_collision) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
tm_ptr->SetCollisionDetection(reference_actor, other_actor, detect_collision);
/// Method to force lane change on a vehicle.
/// Direction flag can be set to true for left and false for right.
void SetForceLaneChange(const ActorPtr &actor, const bool direction) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
tm_ptr->SetForceLaneChange(actor, direction);
/// Enable/disable automatic lane change on a vehicle.
void SetAutoLaneChange(const ActorPtr &actor, const bool enable) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
tm_ptr->SetAutoLaneChange(actor, enable);
/// Method to specify how much distance a vehicle should maintain to
/// the leading vehicle.
void SetDistanceToLeadingVehicle(const ActorPtr &actor, const float distance) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
tm_ptr->SetDistanceToLeadingVehicle(actor, distance);
/// Method to specify the % chance of ignoring collisions with any walker.
void SetPercentageIgnoreWalkers(const ActorPtr &actor, const float perc) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
tm_ptr->SetPercentageIgnoreWalkers(actor, perc);
/// Method to specify the % chance of ignoring collisions with any vehicle.
void SetPercentageIgnoreVehicles(const ActorPtr &actor, const float perc) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
tm_ptr->SetPercentageIgnoreVehicles(actor, perc);
/// Method to specify the % chance of running a sign.
void SetPercentageRunningSign(const ActorPtr &actor, const float perc) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
tm_ptr->SetPercentageRunningSign(actor, perc);
/// Method to specify the % chance of running a light.
void SetPercentageRunningLight(const ActorPtr &actor, const float perc){
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
tm_ptr->SetPercentageRunningLight(actor, perc);
/// Method to switch traffic manager into synchronous execution.
void SetSynchronousMode(bool mode) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
/// Method to set tick timeout for synchronous execution.
void SetSynchronousModeTimeOutInMiliSecond(double time) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
/// Method to provide synchronous tick.
bool SynchronousTick() {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
return tm_ptr->SynchronousTick();
return false;
/// Method to Set Global distance to Leading vehicle
void SetGlobalDistanceToLeadingVehicle(const float distance) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
/// Method to set % to keep on the right lane.
void SetKeepRightPercentage(const ActorPtr &actor, const float percentage) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
tm_ptr->SetKeepRightPercentage(actor, percentage);
/// Method to set % to randomly do a left lane change.
void SetRandomLeftLaneChangePercentage(const ActorPtr &actor, const float percentage) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
tm_ptr->SetRandomLeftLaneChangePercentage(actor, percentage);
/// Method to set % to randomly do a right lane change.
void SetRandomRightLaneChangePercentage(const ActorPtr &actor, const float percentage) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
tm_ptr->SetRandomRightLaneChangePercentage(actor, percentage);
/// Method to set randomization seed.
void SetRandomDeviceSeed(const uint64_t seed) {
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if(tm_ptr != nullptr){
void ShutDown();
/// Method to get the next action.
Action GetNextAction(const ActorId &actor_id) {
Action next_action;
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if (tm_ptr != nullptr) {
next_action = tm_ptr->GetNextAction(actor_id);
return next_action;
return next_action;
/// Method to get the action buffer.
ActionBuffer GetActionBuffer(const ActorId &actor_id) {
ActionBuffer action_buffer;
TrafficManagerBase* tm_ptr = GetTM(_port);
if (tm_ptr != nullptr) {
action_buffer = tm_ptr->GetActionBuffer(actor_id);
return action_buffer;
return action_buffer;
void CreateTrafficManagerServer(
carla::client::detail::EpisodeProxy episode_proxy,
uint16_t port);
bool CreateTrafficManagerClient(
carla::client::detail::EpisodeProxy episode_proxy,
uint16_t port);
TrafficManagerBase* GetTM(uint16_t port) const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
auto it = _tm_map.find(port);
if (it != _tm_map.end()) {
return it->second;
return nullptr;
static std::map<uint16_t, TrafficManagerBase*> _tm_map;
static std::mutex _mutex;
uint16_t _port = 0;
} // namespace traffic_manager
} // namespace carla