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2024-10-18 13:19:59 +08:00
// Copyright (c) 2010 Artyom Beilis (Tonkikh)
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
#include <boost/locale/config.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace locale {
/// \brief a smart pointer similar to std::auto_ptr but it is non-copyable and the
/// underlying object has the same constness as the pointer itself (unlike an ordinary pointer).
template<typename T>
class hold_ptr {
hold_ptr(hold_ptr const &other); // non copyable
hold_ptr const &operator=(hold_ptr const &other); // non assignable
/// Create new empty pointer
hold_ptr() : ptr_(0) {}
/// Create a pointer that holds \a v, ownership is transferred to smart pointer
explicit hold_ptr(T *v) : ptr_(v) {}
/// Destroy smart pointer and the object it owns.
delete ptr_;
/// Get a const pointer to the object
T const *get() const { return ptr_; }
/// Get a mutable pointer to the object
T *get() { return ptr_; }
/// Get a const reference to the object
T const &operator *() const { return *ptr_; }
/// Get a mutable reference to the object
T &operator *() { return *ptr_; }
/// Get a const pointer to the object
T const *operator->() const { return ptr_; }
/// Get a mutable pointer to the object
T *operator->() { return ptr_; }
/// Transfer an ownership on the pointer to user
T *release() { T *tmp=ptr_; ptr_=0; return tmp; }
/// Set new value to pointer, previous object is destroyed, ownership on new object is transferred
void reset(T *p=0)
if(ptr_) delete ptr_;
/// Swap two pointers
void swap(hold_ptr &other)
T *tmp=other.ptr_;
T *ptr_;
} // locale
} // boost