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2024-10-18 13:19:59 +08:00
// Copyright 2018-2022 Emil Dotchevski and Reverge Studios, Inc.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/leaf/detail/mp11.hpp>
#include <tuple>
namespace boost { namespace leaf {
namespace leaf_detail
template <class T> struct remove_noexcept { using type = T; };
template <class R, class... A> struct remove_noexcept<R(*)(A...) noexcept> { using type = R(*)(A...); };
template <class C, class R, class... A> struct remove_noexcept<R(C::*)(A...) noexcept> { using type = R(C::*)(A...); };
template <class C, class R, class... A> struct remove_noexcept<R(C::*)(A...) const noexcept> { using type = R(C::*)(A...) const; };
struct gcc49_workaround //Thanks Glen Fernandes
using type = void;
template<class... T>
using void_t = typename gcc49_workaround<T...>::type;
template<class F,class V=void>
struct function_traits_impl
constexpr static int arity = -1;
template<class F>
struct function_traits_impl<F, void_t<decltype(&F::operator())>>
using tr = function_traits_impl<typename remove_noexcept<decltype(&F::operator())>::type>;
using return_type = typename tr::return_type;
static constexpr int arity = tr::arity - 1;
using mp_args = typename leaf_detail_mp11::mp_rest<typename tr::mp_args>;
template <int I>
struct arg:
tr::template arg<I+1>
template<class R, class... A>
struct function_traits_impl<R(A...)>
using return_type = R;
static constexpr int arity = sizeof...(A);
using mp_args = leaf_detail_mp11::mp_list<A...>;
template <int I>
struct arg
static_assert(I < arity, "I out of range");
using type = typename std::tuple_element<I,std::tuple<A...>>::type;
template<class F> struct function_traits_impl<F&> : function_traits_impl<F> { };
template<class F> struct function_traits_impl<F&&> : function_traits_impl<F> { };
template<class R, class... A> struct function_traits_impl<R(*)(A...)> : function_traits_impl<R(A...)> { };
template<class R, class... A> struct function_traits_impl<R(* &)(A...)> : function_traits_impl<R(A...)> { };
template<class R, class... A> struct function_traits_impl<R(* const &)(A...)> : function_traits_impl<R(A...)> { };
template<class C, class R, class... A> struct function_traits_impl<R(C::*)(A...)> : function_traits_impl<R(C&,A...)> { };
template<class C, class R, class... A> struct function_traits_impl<R(C::*)(A...) const> : function_traits_impl<R(C const &,A...)> { };
template<class C, class R> struct function_traits_impl<R(C::*)> : function_traits_impl<R(C&)> { };
template <class F>
struct function_traits: function_traits_impl<typename remove_noexcept<F>::type>
template <class F>
using fn_return_type = typename function_traits<F>::return_type;
template <class F, int I>
using fn_arg_type = typename function_traits<F>::template arg<I>::type;
template <class F>
using fn_mp_args = typename function_traits<F>::mp_args;
} }