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2024-10-18 13:19:59 +08:00
// Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 University of Notre Dame.
// Copyright 2003 Bruce Barr
// Authors: Andrew Lumsdaine, Lie-Quan Lee, Jeremy G. Siek
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// Nonrecursive implementation of depth_first_visit_impl submitted by
// Bruce Barr, schmoost <at>, May/June 2003.
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_concepts.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/properties.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/visitors.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/named_function_params.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/detail/mpi_include.hpp>
#include <boost/ref.hpp>
#include <boost/implicit_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/parameter.hpp>
#include <boost/concept/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/tti/has_member_function.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
namespace boost
template < class Visitor, class Graph > class DFSVisitorConcept
void constraints()
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((CopyConstructibleConcept< Visitor >));
vis.initialize_vertex(u, g);
vis.start_vertex(u, g);
vis.discover_vertex(u, g);
vis.examine_edge(e, g);
vis.tree_edge(e, g);
vis.back_edge(e, g);
vis.forward_or_cross_edge(e, g);
// vis.finish_edge(e, g); // Optional for user
vis.finish_vertex(u, g);
Visitor vis;
Graph g;
typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor u;
typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor e;
namespace detail
struct nontruth2
template < class T, class T2 >
bool operator()(const T&, const T2&) const
return false;
template < bool IsCallable > struct do_call_finish_edge
template < typename E, typename G, typename Vis >
static void call_finish_edge(Vis& vis, E e, const G& g)
vis.finish_edge(e, g);
template <> struct do_call_finish_edge< false >
template < typename E, typename G, typename Vis >
static void call_finish_edge(Vis&, E, const G&)
template < typename E, typename G, typename Vis >
void call_finish_edge(Vis& vis, E e, const G& g)
{ // Only call if method exists
#if ((defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 4) \
|| ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 9))) \
|| defined(__clang__) \
|| (defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && (__INTEL_COMPILER >= 1200)))
do_call_finish_edge< has_member_function_finish_edge< Vis, void,
boost::mpl::vector< E, const G& > >::value >::call_finish_edge(vis,
e, g);
do_call_finish_edge< has_member_function_finish_edge< Vis,
void >::value >::call_finish_edge(vis, e, g);
// Define BOOST_RECURSIVE_DFS to use older, recursive version.
// It is retained for a while in order to perform performance
// comparison.
// If the vertex u and the iterators ei and ei_end are thought of as the
// context of the algorithm, each push and pop from the stack could
// be thought of as a context shift.
// Each pass through "while (ei != ei_end)" may refer to the out-edges of
// an entirely different vertex, because the context of the algorithm
// shifts every time a white adjacent vertex is discovered.
// The corresponding context shift back from the adjacent vertex occurs
// after all of its out-edges have been examined.
// See for FAQ.
template < class IncidenceGraph, class DFSVisitor, class ColorMap,
class TerminatorFunc >
void depth_first_visit_impl(const IncidenceGraph& g,
typename graph_traits< IncidenceGraph >::vertex_descriptor u,
DFSVisitor& vis, ColorMap color, TerminatorFunc func = TerminatorFunc())
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((IncidenceGraphConcept< IncidenceGraph >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((DFSVisitorConcept< DFSVisitor, IncidenceGraph >));
typename graph_traits< IncidenceGraph >::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
typedef typename graph_traits< IncidenceGraph >::edge_descriptor Edge;
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((ReadWritePropertyMapConcept< ColorMap, Vertex >));
typedef typename property_traits< ColorMap >::value_type ColorValue;
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((ColorValueConcept< ColorValue >));
typedef color_traits< ColorValue > Color;
typedef typename graph_traits< IncidenceGraph >::out_edge_iterator Iter;
typedef std::pair< Vertex,
std::pair< boost::optional< Edge >, std::pair< Iter, Iter > > >
boost::optional< Edge > src_e;
Iter ei, ei_end;
std::vector< VertexInfo > stack;
// Possible optimization for vector
// stack.reserve(num_vertices(g));
put(color, u, Color::gray());
vis.discover_vertex(u, g);
boost::tie(ei, ei_end) = out_edges(u, g);
if (func(u, g))
// If this vertex terminates the search, we push empty range
std::make_pair(boost::optional< Edge >(),
std::make_pair(ei_end, ei_end))));
boost::optional< Edge >(), std::make_pair(ei, ei_end))));
while (!stack.empty())
VertexInfo& back = stack.back();
u = back.first;
src_e = back.second.first;
boost::tie(ei, ei_end) = back.second.second;
// finish_edge has to be called here, not after the
// loop. Think of the pop as the return from a recursive call.
if (src_e)
call_finish_edge(vis, src_e.get(), g);
while (ei != ei_end)
Vertex v = target(*ei, g);
vis.examine_edge(*ei, g);
ColorValue v_color = get(color, v);
if (v_color == Color::white())
vis.tree_edge(*ei, g);
src_e = *ei;
std::make_pair(src_e, std::make_pair(++ei, ei_end))));
u = v;
put(color, u, Color::gray());
vis.discover_vertex(u, g);
boost::tie(ei, ei_end) = out_edges(u, g);
if (func(u, g))
ei = ei_end;
if (v_color == Color::gray())
vis.back_edge(*ei, g);
vis.forward_or_cross_edge(*ei, g);
call_finish_edge(vis, *ei, g);
put(color, u, Color::black());
vis.finish_vertex(u, g);
#else // BOOST_RECURSIVE_DFS is defined
template < class IncidenceGraph, class DFSVisitor, class ColorMap,
class TerminatorFunc >
void depth_first_visit_impl(const IncidenceGraph& g,
typename graph_traits< IncidenceGraph >::vertex_descriptor u,
DFSVisitor& vis, // pass-by-reference here, important!
ColorMap color, TerminatorFunc func)
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((IncidenceGraphConcept< IncidenceGraph >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((DFSVisitorConcept< DFSVisitor, IncidenceGraph >));
typename graph_traits< IncidenceGraph >::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((ReadWritePropertyMapConcept< ColorMap, Vertex >));
typedef typename property_traits< ColorMap >::value_type ColorValue;
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((ColorValueConcept< ColorValue >));
typedef color_traits< ColorValue > Color;
typename graph_traits< IncidenceGraph >::out_edge_iterator ei, ei_end;
put(color, u, Color::gray());
vis.discover_vertex(u, g);
if (!func(u, g))
for (boost::tie(ei, ei_end) = out_edges(u, g); ei != ei_end; ++ei)
Vertex v = target(*ei, g);
vis.examine_edge(*ei, g);
ColorValue v_color = get(color, v);
if (v_color == Color::white())
vis.tree_edge(*ei, g);
depth_first_visit_impl(g, v, vis, color, func);
else if (v_color == Color::gray())
vis.back_edge(*ei, g);
vis.forward_or_cross_edge(*ei, g);
call_finish_edge(vis, *ei, g);
put(color, u, Color::black());
vis.finish_vertex(u, g);
} // namespace detail
template < class VertexListGraph, class DFSVisitor, class ColorMap >
void depth_first_search(const VertexListGraph& g, DFSVisitor vis,
ColorMap color,
typename graph_traits< VertexListGraph >::vertex_descriptor start_vertex)
typedef typename graph_traits< VertexListGraph >::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((DFSVisitorConcept< DFSVisitor, VertexListGraph >));
typedef typename property_traits< ColorMap >::value_type ColorValue;
typedef color_traits< ColorValue > Color;
typename graph_traits< VertexListGraph >::vertex_iterator ui, ui_end;
for (boost::tie(ui, ui_end) = vertices(g); ui != ui_end; ++ui)
Vertex u = implicit_cast< Vertex >(*ui);
put(color, u, Color::white());
vis.initialize_vertex(u, g);
if (start_vertex != detail::get_default_starting_vertex(g))
vis.start_vertex(start_vertex, g);
g, start_vertex, vis, color, detail::nontruth2());
for (boost::tie(ui, ui_end) = vertices(g); ui != ui_end; ++ui)
Vertex u = implicit_cast< Vertex >(*ui);
ColorValue u_color = get(color, u);
if (u_color == Color::white())
vis.start_vertex(u, g);
g, u, vis, color, detail::nontruth2());
template < class VertexListGraph, class DFSVisitor, class ColorMap >
void depth_first_search(
const VertexListGraph& g, DFSVisitor vis, ColorMap color)
typedef typename boost::graph_traits< VertexListGraph >::vertex_iterator vi;
std::pair< vi, vi > verts = vertices(g);
if (verts.first == verts.second)
depth_first_search(g, vis, color, detail::get_default_starting_vertex(g));
template < class Visitors = null_visitor > class dfs_visitor
dfs_visitor() {}
dfs_visitor(Visitors vis) : m_vis(vis) {}
template < class Vertex, class Graph >
void initialize_vertex(Vertex u, const Graph& g)
invoke_visitors(m_vis, u, g, ::boost::on_initialize_vertex());
template < class Vertex, class Graph >
void start_vertex(Vertex u, const Graph& g)
invoke_visitors(m_vis, u, g, ::boost::on_start_vertex());
template < class Vertex, class Graph >
void discover_vertex(Vertex u, const Graph& g)
invoke_visitors(m_vis, u, g, ::boost::on_discover_vertex());
template < class Edge, class Graph >
void examine_edge(Edge u, const Graph& g)
invoke_visitors(m_vis, u, g, ::boost::on_examine_edge());
template < class Edge, class Graph > void tree_edge(Edge u, const Graph& g)
invoke_visitors(m_vis, u, g, ::boost::on_tree_edge());
template < class Edge, class Graph > void back_edge(Edge u, const Graph& g)
invoke_visitors(m_vis, u, g, ::boost::on_back_edge());
template < class Edge, class Graph >
void forward_or_cross_edge(Edge u, const Graph& g)
invoke_visitors(m_vis, u, g, ::boost::on_forward_or_cross_edge());
template < class Edge, class Graph >
void finish_edge(Edge u, const Graph& g)
invoke_visitors(m_vis, u, g, ::boost::on_finish_edge());
template < class Vertex, class Graph >
void finish_vertex(Vertex u, const Graph& g)
invoke_visitors(m_vis, u, g, ::boost::on_finish_vertex());
BOOST_GRAPH_EVENT_STUB(on_initialize_vertex, dfs)
BOOST_GRAPH_EVENT_STUB(on_start_vertex, dfs)
BOOST_GRAPH_EVENT_STUB(on_discover_vertex, dfs)
BOOST_GRAPH_EVENT_STUB(on_examine_edge, dfs)
BOOST_GRAPH_EVENT_STUB(on_tree_edge, dfs)
BOOST_GRAPH_EVENT_STUB(on_back_edge, dfs)
BOOST_GRAPH_EVENT_STUB(on_forward_or_cross_edge, dfs)
BOOST_GRAPH_EVENT_STUB(on_finish_edge, dfs)
BOOST_GRAPH_EVENT_STUB(on_finish_vertex, dfs)
Visitors m_vis;
template < class Visitors >
dfs_visitor< Visitors > make_dfs_visitor(Visitors vis)
return dfs_visitor< Visitors >(vis);
typedef dfs_visitor<> default_dfs_visitor;
// Boost.Parameter named parameter variant
namespace graph
namespace detail
template < typename Graph > struct depth_first_search_impl
typedef void result_type;
template < typename ArgPack >
void operator()(const Graph& g, const ArgPack& arg_pack) const
using namespace boost::graph::keywords;
arg_pack[_visitor | make_dfs_visitor(null_visitor())],
boost::detail::make_color_map_from_arg_pack(g, arg_pack),
|| boost::detail::get_default_starting_vertex_t<
Graph >(g)]);
template < class IncidenceGraph, class DFSVisitor, class ColorMap >
void depth_first_visit(const IncidenceGraph& g,
typename graph_traits< IncidenceGraph >::vertex_descriptor u,
DFSVisitor vis, ColorMap color)
vis.start_vertex(u, g);
detail::depth_first_visit_impl(g, u, vis, color, detail::nontruth2());
template < class IncidenceGraph, class DFSVisitor, class ColorMap,
class TerminatorFunc >
void depth_first_visit(const IncidenceGraph& g,
typename graph_traits< IncidenceGraph >::vertex_descriptor u,
DFSVisitor vis, ColorMap color, TerminatorFunc func = TerminatorFunc())
vis.start_vertex(u, g);
detail::depth_first_visit_impl(g, u, vis, color, func);
} // namespace boost
#include BOOST_GRAPH_MPI_INCLUDE(<boost/graph/distributed/depth_first_search.hpp>)