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2024-10-18 13:19:59 +08:00
// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
// Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
// Copyright (c) 2017 Adam Wulkiewicz, Lodz, Poland.
// This file was modified by Oracle on 2014-2022.
// Modifications copyright (c) 2014-2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
// Contributed and/or modified by Menelaos Karavelas, on behalf of Oracle
// Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>
#include <boost/range/begin.hpp>
#include <boost/range/end.hpp>
#include <boost/range/size.hpp>
#include <boost/range/value_type.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/clear.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/covered_by/implementation.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay/append_no_duplicates.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay/copy_segments.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay/turn_info.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/point_on_border.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/relate/turns.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/tupled_output.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/util/condition.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace geometry
namespace detail { namespace overlay
namespace following
template <typename Turn, typename Operation>
inline bool is_entering(Turn const& /* TODO remove this parameter */, Operation const& op)
// (Blocked means: blocked for polygon/polygon intersection, because
// they are reversed. But for polygon/line it is similar to continue)
return op.operation == operation_intersection
|| op.operation == operation_continue
|| op.operation == operation_blocked
typename Turn,
typename Operation,
typename LineString,
typename Polygon,
typename Strategy
inline bool last_covered_by(Turn const& /*turn*/, Operation const& op,
LineString const& linestring, Polygon const& polygon,
Strategy const& strategy)
return geometry::covered_by(range::at(linestring, op.seg_id.segment_index), polygon, strategy);
typename Turn,
typename Operation,
typename LineString,
typename Polygon,
typename Strategy
inline bool is_leaving(Turn const& turn, Operation const& op,
bool entered, bool first,
LineString const& linestring, Polygon const& polygon,
Strategy const& strategy)
if (op.operation == operation_union)
return entered
|| turn.method == method_crosses
|| (first
&& op.position != position_front
&& last_covered_by(turn, op, linestring, polygon, strategy))
return false;
typename Turn,
typename Operation,
typename LineString,
typename Polygon,
typename Strategy
inline bool is_staying_inside(Turn const& turn, Operation const& op,
bool entered, bool first,
LineString const& linestring, Polygon const& polygon,
Strategy const& strategy)
if (turn.method == method_crosses)
// The normal case, this is completely covered with entering/leaving
// so stay out of this time consuming "covered_by"
return false;
if (is_entering(turn, op))
return entered || (first && last_covered_by(turn, op, linestring, polygon, strategy));
return false;
typename Turn,
typename Operation,
typename Linestring,
typename Polygon,
typename Strategy
inline bool was_entered(Turn const& turn, Operation const& op, bool first,
Linestring const& linestring, Polygon const& polygon,
Strategy const& strategy)
if (first && (turn.method == method_collinear || turn.method == method_equal))
return last_covered_by(turn, op, linestring, polygon, strategy);
return false;
typename Turn,
typename Operation
inline bool is_touching(Turn const& turn, Operation const& op,
bool entered)
return (op.operation == operation_union || op.operation == operation_blocked)
&& (turn.method == method_touch || turn.method == method_touch_interior)
&& !entered
&& !op.is_collinear;
typename GeometryOut,
typename Tag = typename geometry::tag<GeometryOut>::type
struct add_isolated_point
template <typename LineStringOut>
struct add_isolated_point<LineStringOut, linestring_tag>
template <typename Point, typename OutputIterator>
static inline void apply(Point const& point, OutputIterator& out)
LineStringOut isolated_point_ls;
geometry::append(isolated_point_ls, point);
geometry::append(isolated_point_ls, point);
*out++ = isolated_point_ls;
template <typename PointOut>
struct add_isolated_point<PointOut, point_tag>
template <typename Point, typename OutputIterator>
static inline void apply(Point const& point, OutputIterator& out)
PointOut isolated_point;
geometry::detail::conversion::convert_point_to_point(point, isolated_point);
*out++ = isolated_point;
// Template specialization structure to call the right actions for the right type
template <overlay_type OverlayType, bool RemoveSpikes = true>
struct action_selector
"If you get here the overlay type is not intersection or difference.",
std::integral_constant<overlay_type, OverlayType>);
// Specialization for intersection, containing the implementation
template <bool RemoveSpikes>
struct action_selector<overlay_intersection, RemoveSpikes>
typename OutputIterator,
typename LineStringOut,
typename LineString,
typename Point,
typename Operation,
typename Strategy,
typename RobustPolicy
static inline void enter(LineStringOut& current_piece,
LineString const& ,
segment_identifier& segment_id,
signed_size_type , Point const& point,
Operation const& operation,
Strategy const& strategy,
RobustPolicy const& ,
OutputIterator& )
// On enter, append the intersection point and remember starting point
// TODO: we don't check on spikes for linestrings (?). Consider this.
detail::overlay::append_no_duplicates(current_piece, point, strategy);
segment_id = operation.seg_id;
typename OutputIterator,
typename LineStringOut,
typename LineString,
typename Point,
typename Operation,
typename Strategy,
typename RobustPolicy
static inline void leave(LineStringOut& current_piece,
LineString const& linestring,
segment_identifier& segment_id,
signed_size_type index, Point const& point,
Operation const& ,
Strategy const& strategy,
RobustPolicy const& robust_policy,
OutputIterator& out)
// On leave, copy all segments from starting point, append the intersection point
// and add the output piece
false, RemoveSpikes
>::apply(linestring, segment_id, index, strategy, robust_policy, current_piece);
detail::overlay::append_no_duplicates(current_piece, point, strategy);
if (::boost::size(current_piece) > 1)
*out++ = current_piece;
typename LineStringOrPointOut,
typename Point,
typename OutputIterator
static inline void isolated_point(Point const& point,
OutputIterator& out)
add_isolated_point<LineStringOrPointOut>::apply(point, out);
static inline bool is_entered(bool entered)
return entered;
static inline bool included(int inside_value)
return inside_value >= 0; // covered_by
// Specialization for difference, which reverses these actions
template <bool RemoveSpikes>
struct action_selector<overlay_difference, RemoveSpikes>
typedef action_selector<overlay_intersection, RemoveSpikes> normal_action;
typename OutputIterator,
typename LineStringOut,
typename LineString,
typename Point,
typename Operation,
typename Strategy,
typename RobustPolicy
static inline void enter(LineStringOut& current_piece,
LineString const& linestring,
segment_identifier& segment_id,
signed_size_type index, Point const& point,
Operation const& operation,
Strategy const& strategy,
RobustPolicy const& robust_policy,
OutputIterator& out)
normal_action::leave(current_piece, linestring, segment_id, index,
point, operation, strategy, robust_policy, out);
typename OutputIterator,
typename LineStringOut,
typename LineString,
typename Point,
typename Operation,
typename Strategy,
typename RobustPolicy
static inline void leave(LineStringOut& current_piece,
LineString const& linestring,
segment_identifier& segment_id,
signed_size_type index, Point const& point,
Operation const& operation,
Strategy const& strategy,
RobustPolicy const& robust_policy,
OutputIterator& out)
normal_action::enter(current_piece, linestring, segment_id, index,
point, operation, strategy, robust_policy, out);
typename LineStringOrPointOut,
typename Point,
typename OutputIterator
static inline void isolated_point(Point const&,
OutputIterator const&)
static inline bool is_entered(bool entered)
return ! normal_action::is_entered(entered);
static inline bool included(int inside_value)
return ! normal_action::included(inside_value);
} // namespace following
\brief Follows a linestring from intersection point to intersection point, outputting which
is inside, or outside, a ring or polygon
\ingroup overlay
typename GeometryOut,
typename LineString,
typename Polygon,
overlay_type OverlayType,
bool RemoveSpikes,
bool FollowIsolatedPoints
class follow
typedef geometry::detail::output_geometry_access
GeometryOut, linestring_tag, linestring_tag
> linear;
typedef geometry::detail::output_geometry_access
GeometryOut, point_tag, linestring_tag
> pointlike;
public :
static inline bool included(int inside_value)
return following::action_selector
OverlayType, RemoveSpikes
typename Turns,
typename OutputIterator,
typename RobustPolicy,
typename Strategy
static inline OutputIterator apply(LineString const& linestring, Polygon const& polygon,
detail::overlay::operation_type , // TODO: this parameter might be redundant
Turns& turns,
RobustPolicy const& robust_policy,
OutputIterator out,
Strategy const& strategy)
typedef typename boost::range_iterator<Turns>::type turn_iterator;
typedef typename boost::range_value<Turns>::type turn_type;
typedef typename boost::range_iterator
typename turn_type::container_type
>::type turn_operation_iterator_type;
typedef following::action_selector<OverlayType, RemoveSpikes> action;
// Sort intersection points on segments-along-linestring, and distance
// (like in enrich is done for poly/poly)
// sort turns by Linear seg_id, then by fraction, then
// for same ring id: x, u, i, c
// for different ring id: c, i, u, x
typedef relate::turns::less
0, relate::turns::less_op_linear_areal_single<0>, Strategy
> turn_less;
std::sort(boost::begin(turns), boost::end(turns), turn_less());
typename linear::type current_piece;
geometry::segment_identifier current_segment_id(0, -1, -1, -1);
// Iterate through all intersection points (they are ordered along the line)
bool entered = false;
bool first = true;
for (turn_iterator it = boost::begin(turns); it != boost::end(turns); ++it)
turn_operation_iterator_type iit = boost::begin(it->operations);
if (following::was_entered(*it, *iit, first, linestring, polygon, strategy))
debug_traverse(*it, *iit, "-> Was entered");
entered = true;
if (following::is_staying_inside(*it, *iit, entered, first, linestring, polygon, strategy))
debug_traverse(*it, *iit, "-> Staying inside");
entered = true;
else if (following::is_entering(*it, *iit))
debug_traverse(*it, *iit, "-> Entering");
entered = true;
action::enter(current_piece, linestring, current_segment_id,
iit->seg_id.segment_index, it->point, *iit,
strategy, robust_policy,
else if (following::is_leaving(*it, *iit, entered, first, linestring, polygon, strategy))
debug_traverse(*it, *iit, "-> Leaving");
entered = false;
action::leave(current_piece, linestring, current_segment_id,
iit->seg_id.segment_index, it->point, *iit,
strategy, robust_policy,
else if (BOOST_GEOMETRY_CONDITION(FollowIsolatedPoints)
&& following::is_touching(*it, *iit, entered))
debug_traverse(*it, *iit, "-> Isolated point");
action::template isolated_point
typename pointlike::type
>(it->point, pointlike::get(out));
first = false;
if (action::is_entered(entered))
false, RemoveSpikes
static_cast<signed_size_type>(boost::size(linestring) - 1),
strategy, robust_policy,
// Output the last one, if applicable
std::size_t current_piece_size = ::boost::size(current_piece);
if (current_piece_size > 1)
*linear::get(out)++ = current_piece;
else if (BOOST_GEOMETRY_CONDITION(FollowIsolatedPoints)
&& current_piece_size == 1)
action::template isolated_point
typename pointlike::type
>(range::front(current_piece), pointlike::get(out));
return out;
}} // namespace detail::overlay
}} // namespace boost::geometry