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2024-10-18 13:19:59 +08:00
// Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Vinnie Falco (vinnie dot falco at gmail dot com)
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// Official repository:
#include <boost/beast/core/detail/config.hpp>
#include <boost/beast/http/detail/rfc7230.hpp>
#include <boost/beast/http/detail/basic_parsed_list.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace beast {
namespace http {
/** A list of parameters in an HTTP extension field value.
This container allows iteration of the parameter list in an HTTP
extension. The parameter list is a series of name/value pairs
with each pair starting with a semicolon. The value is optional.
If a parsing error is encountered while iterating the string,
the behavior of the container will be as if a string containing
only characters up to but excluding the first invalid character
was used to construct the list.
@par BNF
param-list = *( OWS ";" OWS param )
param = token OWS [ "=" OWS ( token / quoted-string ) ]
To use this class, construct with the string to be parsed and
then use @ref begin and @ref end, or range-for to iterate each
@par Example
for(auto const& param : param_list{";level=9;no_context_takeover;bits=15"})
std::cout << ";" << param.first;
if(! param.second.empty())
std::cout << "=" << param.second;
std::cout << "\n";
class param_list
string_view s_;
/** The type of each element in the list.
The first string in the pair is the name of the parameter,
and the second string in the pair is its value (which may
be empty).
using value_type =
std::pair<string_view, string_view>;
/// A constant iterator to the list
using const_iterator = __implementation_defined__;
class const_iterator;
/// Default constructor.
param_list() = default;
/** Construct a list.
@param s A string containing the list contents. The string
must remain valid for the lifetime of the container.
param_list(string_view s)
: s_(s)
/// Return a const iterator to the beginning of the list
const_iterator begin() const;
/// Return a const iterator to the end of the list
const_iterator end() const;
/// Return a const iterator to the beginning of the list
const_iterator cbegin() const;
/// Return a const iterator to the end of the list
const_iterator cend() const;
/** A list of extensions in a comma separated HTTP field value.
This container allows iteration of the extensions in an HTTP
field value. The extension list is a comma separated list of
token parameter list pairs.
If a parsing error is encountered while iterating the string,
the behavior of the container will be as if a string containing
only characters up to but excluding the first invalid character
was used to construct the list.
@par BNF
ext-list = *( "," OWS ) ext *( OWS "," [ OWS ext ] )
ext = token param-list
param-list = *( OWS ";" OWS param )
param = token OWS [ "=" OWS ( token / quoted-string ) ]
To use this class, construct with the string to be parsed and
then use @ref begin and @ref end, or range-for to iterate each
@par Example
for(auto const& ext : ext_list{"none, 7z;level=9, zip;no_context_takeover;bits=15"})
std::cout << ext.first << "\n";
for(auto const& param : ext.second)
std::cout << ";" << param.first;
if(! param.second.empty())
std::cout << "=" << param.second;
std::cout << "\n";
class ext_list
using iter_type = string_view::const_iterator;
string_view s_;
/** The type of each element in the list.
The first element of the pair is the extension token, and the
second element of the pair is an iterable container holding the
extension's name/value parameters.
using value_type = std::pair<string_view, param_list>;
/// A constant iterator to the list
using const_iterator = __implementation_defined__;
class const_iterator;
/** Construct a list.
@param s A string containing the list contents. The string
must remain valid for the lifetime of the container.
ext_list(string_view s)
: s_(s)
/// Return a const iterator to the beginning of the list
const_iterator begin() const;
/// Return a const iterator to the end of the list
const_iterator end() const;
/// Return a const iterator to the beginning of the list
const_iterator cbegin() const;
/// Return a const iterator to the end of the list
const_iterator cend() const;
/** Find a token in the list.
@param s The token to find. A case-insensitive comparison is used.
@return An iterator to the matching token, or `end()` if no
token exists.
find(string_view const& s);
/** Return `true` if a token is present in the list.
@param s The token to find. A case-insensitive comparison is used.
exists(string_view const& s);
/** A list of tokens in a comma separated HTTP field value.
This container allows iteration of a list of items in a
header field value. The input is a comma separated list of
If a parsing error is encountered while iterating the string,
the behavior of the container will be as if a string containing
only characters up to but excluding the first invalid character
was used to construct the list.
@par BNF
token-list = *( "," OWS ) token *( OWS "," [ OWS token ] )
To use this class, construct with the string to be parsed and
then use @ref begin and @ref end, or range-for to iterate each
@par Example
for(auto const& token : token_list{"apple, pear, banana"})
std::cout << token << "\n";
class token_list
using iter_type = string_view::const_iterator;
string_view s_;
/// The type of each element in the token list.
using value_type = string_view;
/// A constant iterator to the list
using const_iterator = __implementation_defined__;
class const_iterator;
/** Construct a list.
@param s A string containing the list contents. The string
must remain valid for the lifetime of the container.
token_list(string_view s)
: s_(s)
/// Return a const iterator to the beginning of the list
const_iterator begin() const;
/// Return a const iterator to the end of the list
const_iterator end() const;
/// Return a const iterator to the beginning of the list
const_iterator cbegin() const;
/// Return a const iterator to the end of the list
const_iterator cend() const;
/** Return `true` if a token is present in the list.
@param s The token to find. A case-insensitive comparison is used.
exists(string_view const& s);
/** A list of tokens in a comma separated HTTP field value.
This container allows iteration of a list of items in a
header field value. The input is a comma separated list of
If a parsing error is encountered while iterating the string,
the behavior of the container will be as if a string containing
only characters up to but excluding the first invalid character
was used to construct the list.
@par BNF
token-list = *( "," OWS ) token *( OWS "," [ OWS token ] )
To use this class, construct with the string to be parsed and
then use `begin` and `end`, or range-for to iterate each item:
@par Example
for(auto const& token : token_list{"apple, pear, banana"})
std::cout << token << "\n";
using opt_token_list =
/** Returns `true` if a parsed list is parsed without errors.
This function iterates a single pass through a parsed list
and returns `true` if there were no parsing errors, else
returns `false`.
template<class Policy>
Policy> const& list);
} // http
} // beast
} // boost
#include <boost/beast/http/impl/rfc7230.hpp>